Ipe Brazilian Hardwood

Ipe is a very well-known wood for its outstanding hardness and stiffness. It grows only in the South and Central America. Brazil is most prominent as an Ipe wood cultivating country.

Ipe Brazilian Hardwood

Due to the improvement in agricultural science, it is now possible to grow this wood almost any type of land. The main usages of Ipe Brazilian wood are- doors, floorings, deck tiles, siding etc. This special type of wood is fully suitable to be used at indoors and also at outdoors. Here we have discussed about the usages and maintenance works of Brazilian Ipe hardwood.

Ipe wood has tremendous resistant properties against scratching and bending. Not only that, it is also extremely weatherproof and resistive to water, mildew formation, fungus and any other unwanted insect attacks.

Generally, Ipe wood products last for more than 25 years without any extra protective care. It needs less maintenance initiatives to take than other types of wood products. There is one type oil, which lies beneath the core of Ipe wood.

This natural type of oil makes the wood more durable and stiff than other woods. So, you do not need to use any extra additives or oils on this wood product. But if you do, kindly make sure to wipe off the surplus oils or additives completely from the surface.

It does not need to take very serious maintenance works to maintain in case of Brazilian Ipe wood. You just have to gently take care of the wood products. Please make sure that there is no occurrence of water clogging on the Brazilian Ipe wood. Please do not use any coating chemicals over the wood. It weakens the appearance of this wood. You can use mat around the Ipe wood deck with a view to protect it from possible shocks from outside.

Ξ 6 Photos of the "IPE Brazilian Hardwood"

IPE Brazilian Hardwood IPE Hardwood Flooring IPE Hardwood Decking Hardwood IPE IPE Oil Hardwood Deck Finish Brazilian Hardwood IPE

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