Ipe Decking: 1 of the Strongest Woods In the World

ipe decking

In both commercial and domestic settings, decking is an extremely popular outdoor solution. When choosing this feature, most owners consider health, safety, hygiene and just beauty. For example, grooved decking has rows of lines, which are cut into the wood.

As a result, you get an attractive textured look and raised surface impression.

On the other hand, smooth decking is more preferable in certain circumstances.

Such boards have got a highly uniform look and provide a better walking surface. So, that's a definitely practical choice due to easier cleaning too.

As for the grooved decking, it often causes problems for ladies wearing heels.

For better or for worse, combination of both decking types plus strategy placing is the golden mean.

Why Ipe Decking? A Sack of Values

'Ipe', actually pronounced as 'EE-pay', is a world-known exotic hardwood of probably the finest quality available. Ipe decking is one of hardwood decking options. In general, these are wood planks, which are laid over some area. Typically, such decking originates from the countries of South American continent, including Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Bolivia. It's recognizable due to its yellow-dark olive coloring. But there is a tendency to darken & mature, especially in ultraviolet light. Absolutely, ipe decks are highly popular, extremely stylish and definitely perfect for creating terraces or swimming pool surrounds. However, they can greatly transform any outdoor lifestyle. The key secret of this decking type is natural resistance to rot, decay, fire, insects, fungal growth and the like. What to say, meet a truly renewable resource and selected wood durability without any chemical treatment! In fact, ipe decking wood is so tough, that it's often called 'ironwood'.

IPE Wood Lumber

ipe wood lumber

Deck Wood

deck wood

5 Interesting Facts

1. There are many common names of Ipe, for example: Brazilian Walnut, Cortez, Amapa, Greenheart, Tahuari, Lapacho Negro, and so on. However, you can also meet such trade names as Diamond Decking or Ironwood.

2. As for general characteristics, this tree has darkish walnut color and fine-medium texture.

3. The Heartwood is incredibly resistant to various decay attacks: fungi, mod, termites, rot, splintering, fire, chemicals, wear, marine borers and probably every other imaginable threat. Moreover, it lasts 75+ (!) years. This is probably the highest rating, as well as hardness, insect and slip resistance.

4. Speaking of the most ordinary uses, they are the following:

  • Benches;
  • Adirondack furniture;
  • Archery bows;
  • Truck & fishing vessel flooring;
  • Heavy marine dock construction;
  • Fine interior cabinetry & flooring;
  • Exterior decking.

5. Ipe decking woods are available in numerous varieties, according to such measures, as strength, hardness, durability and appearance.

As you can see, you are dealing with superior decking, which advantages speak for themselves. Discover all those unique properties for any of your projects!

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