Ipe Hardwood Decking

Ipe wood is one of the most popular wood producing tree nowadays. It grown in the countries of Central and South America. But it can be grown commercially outside of this region. The accurate pronunciation of the word “Ipe” is “EE-pay”.

Ipe Hardwood Decking

The nature of this wood is very much stiff and dense, which has made it more popular than the other types of wood available in the market.

Ipe wood is immensely used for decking and flooring purposes both in residential and commercial holdings. Here the usage of Ipe wood as decking is discussed below in a brief.

The texture of Ipe wood is very much attractive. That is why, it is alluring the interior designers of modern times to design new houses and offices with Ipe wood. If you use this wood as the deck of your house or workplace, the interior will be completely changed.

Ipe wood deck is also very much durable, as it is extremely stiff. It is resistant to extreme heat from the sun and any other sources. It is water proof, that’s why in any kind of unwanted climatic change there will be almost no harm on the quality on the Ipe hardwood decking.

There is an oil, which grows in a completely natural way inside the body of the wood before cutting it from the trees. The oil is the major reason of being the wood outstandingly durable than any other wood, which are collected from other trees than Ipe aka Ironwood.

Ipe wood can protect its surface from getting scratched or slivered. Even under extreme traffic and heavy usage, there would no change happen in the resistive and durable properties of Ipe hardwood decking. You can use this wood as the decking of your house or office without having any kind of doubt.

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