Ipe Wood Maintenance

Ipe is one kind of famous wood producing tree of Southern and Central America. It is a very tough type of wood. The main uses of this wood is decking, siding, fencing, flooring and so on.

Ipe Wood Maintenance

If you plan to use this wood for your house or work place, then please keep in mind that you also have to do some maintenance work. If you are a new user of Ipe wood, then you must read this article. Here is given a brief description about the maintenance work of this wood.

One must be extremely cautious about putting coatings on Ipe decking wood. But coatings are not that necessary if you use the woods only for household uses.

Coating are required to put on the woods, which are to be used in making boats. It is required to be done, in order to protect woods from water. If you put some film or color forming on household Ipe woods, then it would not last for long time.

Ipe wood contains oil in it, which makes it so hard and tough than the others in the market. So, you do not to put oil on it.

If you do, then please make sure to wipe extra oils from the surface of the wood after finishing by oil.

If oil residues over the surface, then there is a big chance of mildew formation on the wood. So, please be careful about this matter.

If you plan to use Ipe wood as your decking, then please make sure to apply finishing chemicals on all the six sides of the wood. After applying those chemicals, please wait for sufficient times to dry those woods. After doing all those, you are ready to install. Please note that, installing wood decks before proper finishing would not give pleasant outcome.

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